How Emerging Technologies Change the Education System?

Technology is impacting various aspects of life, and there is no exception to education. If you look back, does the scope of education appears the same? Well, the answer is no. From learning to study material being available in clouds, education does not limit to just classrooms and books.

There is a 14th-century art by de Voltolina and that portrays a university lecture session in Italy during the medieval times. And the scene is somewhat parallel to the current scenario. The teacher gives a lecture from a podium and the class listens, being seated in rows.  The students have books opened in front of them and following the lesson accordingly.  Even today, classrooms don't look much different except that there are some education institutes where students look at their smartphones or tablets otherwise. Cynically you may consider that technology didn't bring many changes.


Technology and its impacts

To be practical and watchful, you will find that technology has been profoundly changing the education system and the change is gradual and progressive. In medieval times, books were accessible only to a few elite students coming from influential or scholarly families. Also, students had to walk distance to reach the educational institutes. 

Today, instead there are a huge amount of books and there are numerous modes of gathering information through images, audio, videos. Even information is available at just a few clicks via the Internet, and there are new scopes of gathering opportunities from across the globe through online courses, podcasts, MOOCs and more. Today, access to opportunities for learning is huge and the scope is vast.


Technology influences more communication

With advanced technologies, today communication and collaboration are not restricted to localities and regions. The conventional classrooms were isolated and were limited to students from certain regions only. Today, owing to technological innovations, education is not limited to any demography. Sitting in rural India, a student can access a related course from the US, if that's available over the internet, in real-time.  

Also, technology allows the kind of collaboration and communication that were once fictitious imagery. Students from any part of the area can read blogs, view images, e-mail queries to the scientists, and can interact with scientists on an expedition and working in the Arctic through video conferences.

Students can also do group collaboration on projects with the help of advanced tools like Google docs and wikis.


Technology is changing the roles of teachers and students.

Technology not just making education easily accessible, but also changing the roles of teachers and learners. In a conventional classroom system of education, we see that teachers are the only source of education and students receive it passively. Today with changing things, we can see that with the online mode of education, the teacher's role is much like guides and students are no more passive learners but, interacting and learning with responsibilities.

The educational institutes, across the country, are welcoming the changes and redesigning their educational system with new study models, attain more interaction with students and use technology as an enabler.


The role of cloud-based school management software

Technology has the potential to transform education in several ways making it easy for both educational institutes, teachers and the students. With global reach for the internet and the universal access to smart devices, learning is now easier than ever before.

With institutes introducing e-learning, there comes to concern for cybersecurity as a side effect.  People with malicious minds will find their way to create havoc or trouble. When you take to the online mode of learning then, certain personal information has to be shared t as a part of the process and those data must be kept safe and secured. Here, it plays the role of a software solution that can keep all relevant data in one place, with assured safety and offer numerous other benefits to the school authority.


Common features of a school management software:

  • Save time in compiling report cards and attendance.
  • Has grade books that can be accessed anytime and from anywhere.
  • Security and reliability.
  • Scope with support and upgrades.

These tools make communication between institutes, students and parents are easier and convenient. They come with an option for customization, so you can get software that suits your institute.

If you want a customized school management solution, look no farther. Contact us.

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